About Us For Norwegian Business

Doing Business in India

The following basic facts are important:

(i) Most Indian businesses can understand English.

(ii) To enter India, all Norwegian visitors need valid Indian Visa, which can be obtained from Embassy of India, Oslo. Please visit the Embassy’s website at http://www.indianembassyoslo.gov.in/  
The Government of India has also introduced e-Visa facility. For applying e-visa, please visit at

iii) Approximate exchange rate of Indian Rupee is US $1 = Rs.69.77 = NOK8.60 (as on 1st December, 2018)

iv) For queries and elaborations, please contact Embassy at email: [email protected] or [email protected]

For Nordic exporters, India has large but competitive market with its own specificities. Norwegian companies' providing goods and services for infrastructure development has had the best success in India. While the market is highly competitive and price-sensitive, niche consumers can always be found willing to indulge in high-end items.

India's large and fast-growing economy offers exciting opportunities for Nordic businessmen across the board. As economic partner, India has following advantages: 

(i) The country has fairly large and open domestic market, buoyed by nearly 300 million middle class consumers. This opens up lucrative possibility of supplying goods and services to the Indian market. 

(ii) India is increasingly visible as a supplier of high quality goods and services, thanks to its large growing labour force and competitive cost of production. These features make sourcing of goods and services from India very attractive. 

(iii) The economy which has recorded high growth rate during the last few years has attractive possibilities for investment and co-production. Indian infrastructure also offers a swathe of opportunities for investment and growth. 

(iv) Last but not the least India's knowledge-based enterprises, including R&D, IT & Bio-Tech have their own dynamics that could enhance competitiveness of Nordic enterprises.